
These notes contain all of the topics in ATS2553 and contain material from every lecture, reading, tutorial and optional video. After creating this study guide I was able to receive a 95% average on the quizzes and a HD on one of the major essays. Week 1: Aboriginal testimony during the colonial period: the case of Maulboyheenner and Tunnerminnerwait Week 2: Indigenous justice and settler colonialism Week 3: Language in evidence Week 4: Indigenous language interpreting in legal contexts Week 5: Policing and Indigenous justice- historical relations Week 7: Therapeutic jurisprudence, restorative justice and the Koori court Week 9: Indigenous women in the legal system Week 10: Aboriginal justice agreements and youth justice Week 11: Policing and justice in a contemporary context NB: this study guide doesn't contain content from weeks 6, 8 and 12 as these were independent study weeks where no new content was taught.


Semester 1, 2022

50 pages

24,517 words



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Monash, Clayton

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May 2021