HD (89). PSYU3339 Final Exam Summary Notes
Subject notes for Macq. PSYU3339
Hey! Thanks for checking out my notes. I loved this subject and go a lot out of it - I hope you do too. I received a mark of 89 for this subject. My grades across all subjects average within the top 1% of my cohort and my WAM is 90. These notes are a summary of my full notes for the unit (full notes also available on Student VIP). I have focussed on the most important points and summarised key findings from the important studies. Note that weeks 1 and 13 were not included as they only covered the unit introduction and a review of content already included in previous weeks. The following topics are covered: Week 2: The Family Week 3: The Family II Week 4: Infertility, Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parenting Week 5: Postnatal Depression and Parenting Week 6: Child Abuse and Neglect Week 7: Child Sexual Abuse Week 8: Peers Week 9: Aggression and Bullying Week 10: Moral Development and Criminal Responsibility Week 11: Prosocial Development Week 12: Gender Development
Semester 1, 2021
28 pages
7,049 words
Macq., North Ryde
Member since
February 2019
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