LPAB 24 Jurisprudence Exam Notes
Subject notes for USYD LPAB 24
LPAB 24 Jurisprudence Diploma in law course Exam Notes Topics these notes cover: The Doctrine of Precedence and the American Realists Ronald Dworkin: Law as Integrity Natural Law Positivism Natural Law versus Positivism Validity of Law Concept of Property Crime and Punishment Anarchy and the Duty to Obey the Law Bonus: Table of Philosophers in the Course and their theories in chronological order These notes are highly detailed. Each topic covered includes - detailed explanations on issues arising in each topic, quotations, analysis on issues and every topic refers to the sources relied upon at the end.
Semester 1, 2022
30 pages
15,718 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
February 2016