
These HD notes provide helpful case summaries, tables and a structure that can help you ace what can otherwise be a pretty unstructured subject. They are colour coded and easy to read. These notes cover all examinable topics, including: MINIMUM EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS CONTEXT & NATURE OF WORKING RELATIONSHIPS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT EMPLOYEE’S IMPLIED DUTIES MUTUAL DUTIES EMPLOYER’S IMPLIED DUTIES UNFAIR DISMISSAL TERMINATION AT COMMON LAW REMEDIES AT COMMON LAW GENERAL PROTECTIONS (ADVERSE ACTION) ANTI-DISCRIMINATION PROTECTIONS BULLYING PROTECTIONS OTHER PROTECTIONS UNDER EO ACT Please be advised that you may need to adapt your notes based on the themes of focus for your semester (ie. for Semester 2021, there was a strong focus on COVID-19 and casual employment under Rossato, which is why these themes are prevalent in the notes).


Semester 2, 2021

58 pages

27,144 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

January 2017