
High quality and detailed notes for PSYU3339 (Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology). Topics covered: Week 1 – Introduction Week 2 – The Family Part 1 Week 3 – The Family Part 2 Week 4 – Infertility, Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parenting Week 5 – Postnatal Depression and Infant Development Week 6 – Child Abuse and Neglect Week 7 – Child Sexual Abuse Week 8 – Peers Week 9 – Aggression and Bullying Week 10 – Moral Development and Criminal Responsibility Week 11 – Prosocial Development Week 12 – Gender Development I achieved a Distinction for this unit.


Semester 1, 2021

112 pages

37,088 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

June 2017