
These notes contain thorough yet concise summaries, in tabulated format, of all breast cancer content for the haematology & oncology block, in preparation for KAT7. These notes also include detailed history-taking notes for breast cancer (useful for MMCA2). The management section of this document is clearly divided into breast cancer treatment by method, by stage, and by molecular profile (quite tricky concepts to get your head around!). On KAT7 exam I received 88%. The sources for this info include: - SMP: online videos, lectures, clinical tutes, SCORPIOs, CBLs and workshops. - AMBOSS: breast cancer - Wiki Cancer Oncology for medical students - Up To Date Breast cancer management Unfortunately no images/diagrams could be included due to copyright rules, but I have included sources or where to find images where appropriate!


Semester 2, 2021

40 pages

17,017 words


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