
These notes got me an HD (88) for the unit! Comprehensive, detailed and perfect to use for both the assignment and the final exam - structured on a step-by-step basis so that all relevant issues are quickly and easily identified and discussed. Many pre-written parts used as a template and can simply be copied in the final exam to save time. Includes facts and principles from cases, covers information from all lectures, tutorials, LSS tutorials and readings! Topics: - Concept of property - Introduction to land title - Introduction to legal and equitable interests in property - The doctrine of tenure and estates; life estates - Acquisition and transfer of property interests; gifts of property - Leasehold estates - Creation of leasehold estates - Contractual licences - Easements - Restrictive covenants - Mortgages


Semester 1, 2020

53 pages

17,618 words



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Monash, Clayton

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August 2021