Biostats Complete Course Notes
Subject notes for USYD PUBH5018
Comprehensive file of all required material for this course! Includes detailed explanation for all common statistical tests, with both theory and step-by-step instructions for selecting the appropriate test, performing the test and interpreting results. Would also serve as a very comprehensive intro to biostats in general; I still use it as a reference for selecting and performing common stats now. Topics include: Selection of statistical Tests Descriptive Statistics Measurements of frequency Graphical representation of data Types of frequency distributions Normal limit distributions Confidence intervals Basic probability Principles of hypothesis testing Common statistical tests including one-sample z-test, t-test, paired and two-sample t-test Proportions and McNemar’s Test Chi squared test Relative risk and odds ratio Binomial distribution Ranking and non-parametric tests Sample size and power calculations
Semester 2, 2018
57 pages
10,944 words
Monash, Camden
Member since
July 2012