HD Law of Employment Comprehensive Exam Notes (updated, 2021)
Subject notes for Monash LAW4132
This is the complete set of notes used to obtain a HD in LAW4132 Law of Employment in Semester 1 2020. These notes are compiled from lecture content and textbook readings. They are comprehensive notes, that include an exam format to follow where possible. I have updated the notes to include some new 2021 cases that have reformed the law including Mondolez and Rossato. These notes include the following topics: - Sources of Employment Law - the National Employment Standards (NES), Modern Awards (MAs) and Enterprise Agreements (EAs) - Annualised wages and Set-Off - Employees vs Independent Contractors - Sham Contracting - Employment Contracts and their terms - Casual vs Permanent employment - Company policies and procedures as part of employment contracts - Post-Employment restraints - Employer/Employee Duties - Unfair Dismissal - Termination with/without notice - Constructive Dismissal - Remedies for employers and employees - Adverse Action - Equal Opportunity Act - Discrimination and bullying Note: these are student notes and do not replace what is taught by course staff. When in doubt, follow the direction of your lecturers. Remember that these are merely to be used as a guide and not copied directly. They form a good basis from which to formulate your own unique notes.
Semester 1, 2020
123 pages
55,956 words
Monash, Clayton
Member since
August 2019