
33 pages of comprehensive theory notes that contain the key information from lectures, tutorials, and additional assigned readings. 10 extra pages of extensive SQL information. This is extremely useful to reference. I used it even after the subject in a data science internship. These notes helped me do well on the exams and assignments, as well as conceptually understand the topics very well. I continue to refer to these notes on extra projects outside of uni work. Topics Covered In Theory Notes: - Data Exploration with Python - Accessing Data in RDMBS with SQL - Declarative Data Analysis - Indexing and Data Partitioning - Scraping Web Data - Semi Structured Data and Web Services - Text Data Processing - GeoSpatial Data - Time Series Data - Image Data Processing - Big Data Some Topics Covered in Additional SQL Notes: - Filtering and Summarising - Transforming - Joins - Dealing with Incomplete Data - Sub Queries


Semester 1, 2021

43 pages

10,501 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2020

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