
These notes comprehensively and concisely cover content from all 32 lectures in the 12 week course. Time has been taken to focus on particularly difficult topics. Notes are brightly colour coded to help with clarity and memory. These notes contain sufficient background information for those with little pathology background, however, they also contain great amounts of detail that will assist you in achieving a high score in the PATH30001 subject. I used these notes in semester 1 of 2021 to achieve an 87% in the Mechanisms of Human Disease subject. Topics covered include: - mechanisms of disease - stem cells - healing - cellular ageing and senescence - ischaemia and reperfusion in the heart - pneumonia - asthma - coeliac disease - inflammatory bowel disease - diabetes and autoimmunity - alcohol induced disease - immunodeficiency - microbiome - central nervous system - diagnosis, treatment and repair - epigenetics - cancer treatment, signalling, immunology and stem cells - breast and prostate cancer - helicobacter pylori - obesity and disease - injury to the kidney - disease of the thyroid and parathyroid - muscular dystrophy - osteoporosis - mitochondrial diseases


Semester 1, 2021

44 pages

20,742 words



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