
MIIM30014 – Virology – Full Lecture Notes – *TOP STUDENT* H1 (94) - 2020 Full Lectures notes (including tutorials). Awarded the Ian Holmes Medal in Virology - given to the student who receives the highest grade. Topics Covered: L1: Introduction to Viruses L2: Cultivation and Assay of Viruses L3: SARS-CoV-2 (Flip Class) L4: Viral structure and composition L5: Attachment and Entry L6: +RNA virus replication L7: -RNA and dsRNA virus replication L8: DNA virus replication L9: Viruses that RT L10: HIV replication and pathogenesis L11: Assembly and Exit L12: Viral Pathogenesis I L13: Viral Pathogenesis II L14: Viral Pathogenesis III L15: Herpesvirus L16: Viral Hepatitis L17: Antiviral chemotherapy L18: Innate immunity and virus immune evasion L19: Viral defence pathways L20: Bats as a reservoir of emerging viruses L21: Viral evasion of the cellular immune responses L22: Enteric viruses – Norovirus L23: HTLV-1 Flip Class L24: Viral Vectors L25: Viral Vaccines L26: SARS Vaccines Flip Class L27: Epidemiology and surveillance L28: Flaviviruses L29: Oncogenic viruses L30: Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) L31: Hypothetical Flip Class Structured with clear headings and colour codings (green - viruses; orange - important terms; yellow highlight - important molecules; red - important points addressed in assessments).


Semester 2, 2020

242 pages

67,366 words



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