
Hello, I created a workbook and answer sheet for this subject as a way to revise for the final exam and also to help others ace the unit! I did very well in this subject, getting 92 overall in this unit, as well as a 94 in PSYU2248. I am on the Macquarie University Merit List (for performing within the top 1% of my cohort) and have a WAM of 89. This workbook is split into two sections: Questions (front section) and answers (back section). As shown in the preview, I provide detailed answers for each question and show my working out step-by-step where equations are involved. This workbook contains questions and answers for the following: Week 1 - Regression - Conditional Variance Week 2 - One-Way ANOVA via Regression (with Categorical IV) - Additive Two-Way ANOVA via Regression (with Categorical IVs) - Full Model Two-Way ANOVA via Regression (with Categorical IVs) Week 3 - Introduction to ANCOVA - Additive Model ANCOVA (with categorical and numeric IVs) - Full Model ANCOVA (with categorical and numerical IVs) - Nested Regression Week 4 - Full Model ANOVA (with numeric variables) - Non-Linear Data Week 5 - Identifying Influential Observations - Handling Outliers & Abnormal Distributions Week 6 - Hierarchical Regression & Backwards Elimination (+ misc. Theory) Week 7 - Categorical Dependent Variables - Odds and Odds Ratios - Introduction to Logistic Regression Week 8 - Logistic Regression Continued - Logistic Regression with Numeric Variables Week 9 - Introduction to Repeated Measures Designs Week 10 - Repeated Measures Designs Continued - Contrasts Week 11 - Factorial Repeated Measures Designs Week 12 - Mixed Designs


Semester 2, 2021

80 pages

15,381 words



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