
Hi fellow law friends! Here are comprehensive notes on specific topics of Constitutional Law, which are normally examined. There are many other topics that I can give you notes on, so let me know if you need more! I sourced these from class notes, other verified sources, and the textbook: G. Williams et al. Blackshield & Williams: Australian Constitutional Law and Theory: Commentary and Materials (7th ed.) (Sydney: The Federation Press, 2018). These notes extensively outline and explain the following topics: - Interpretation of the Constitution - Textual Originalism - Powers of State Parliaments - State Constitutions and Amending them - Manner and Form Requirements - Separation of Judicial Power at State Level (Ranasignhe and Kable Principles) - Melbourne Corporation Principle (and the reverse in Spence Case) - Inconsistency under s 109 - implied freedom of political communication - Constitutional Corporations under s 51(xx) - scope of corporations power (including Work Choices) - Vesting federal power in state courts - Limitations of regulations on judicial proceedings (Nicholas limitations, Grollo Limitations, Kable, and extensive case law) - freedom of interstate trade and movement under s 92 (in the new interpretation in Palmer Case) - discrimination under s 117 Hope this helps!


Semester 1, 2021

20 pages

8,871 words



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UND, Sydney

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August 2018