
Hey, Thanks for checking out my notes. If you decide to purchase them, I trust they'll be very useful to you in this subject and will also help you with writing your assignments and completing your exams. I received a mark of 87 for this subject. My grades across all subjects average within the top 1% of my cohort and my WAM is 89. For this particular subject, I achieved 100% in the final exam (largely thanks to my notes!) The table of contents is as follows: Week 1: Introduction (lecture) Week 2: Norms & Reliability (reading, lecture, tutorial) Week 3: Reliability & Validity (reading, lecture, tutorial) Old Week 4: Test Construction (lecture) New Week 4: Item Response Theory (reading, lecture) Week 5: Revision (lecture) Week 6: Fairness - Slope and Intercept (readings, tutorial) Week 8: Assessment of Intelligence (lecture, tutorial, PAL) Week 9: Assessment of Intelligence Cont. (lecture, PAL) Week 10: Ethics in Psychological Assessment (reading, lecture, PAL, tutorial) Week 11: Personality (lecture, PAL) Week 12: Personality Cont. (reading, tutorial, lecture)


Semester 1, 2020

68 pages

20,124 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2019