
Consolidated and comprehensive notes synthesised from a variety of sources (lectures, tutorials, readings) for CCP based on updated legislation (including new ODPP Guidelines and sentencing legislation) and new content introduced in 2021 (Class Actions). These notes were critical in enabling me to attain a high distinction mark for this unit. Legislation extracts and case summaries are included within each topic summary, accompanied by a step-by-step summary 'flowchart' for both criminal and civil procedure attached at the end of the topic notes which is useful for the final exam. Bookmarked for easy access in online open-book examinations. CONTENT COVERED: - Topic 1: Introduction to Criminal Procedure - Topic 2: Police Powers and Discretion - Topic 3: Bail - Topic 4: Pre-trial Processes and Appeals - Topic 5: Sentencing - Topic 6: Process, Open Justice and Fairness: Adversarial System of Civil Litigation - Topic 7: Matters Preceding Litigation and Commencing Proceedings - Topic 8: Initiating Proceedings and Pleadings - Topic 9: Opposing Disclosure - Objecting to Production and/or Access: Privilege - Topic 10: Class Actions and Trial Issues


Semester 1, 2021

120 pages

78,671 words



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