
MIIM20002 - Microbes, Infections and Responses - Full Lecture Notes + Practicals - H1 (86) Includes lecture notes PLUS practical notes Contents: L1: Bacterial Pathogenesis L2: The Immune System L3: Overview of viral infections and pathology L4: Mucosal Immunity L5: Gastrointestinal disease L6: Laboratory investigations of Gastroenteritis L7: Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Disease I L8: Invasive pathogens L9: Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Disease II L10: Epidemiology of Gastroenteritis L11: The human microbiome I L12: The human microbiome II L13: Influenza I L14: Influenza II L15: Emerging Viral Diseases L16: Flip Class L17: Streptococcus pneumoniae L18: S. pneumoniae treatment L19: S. pneumoniae immunity and vaccination L20: Tuberculosis L21: Sexually Transmissible Infections L22: Epidemiology of STIs L23: Herpesvirus L24: Human Papilloma Virus L25: Human Immunodeficiency Virus L26: Health Care Associated Infections L27: Molecular Epidemiology L28: Sterilisation and Disinfection L29: Legionella L30: Manipulation of the Immune Response L31: Malaria Practical 1 Practical 2 Practical 3 Practical 4 Practical 5 Structured with clear headings and colour coding (green - organism name; orange - important terms/definitions; yellow and blue highlight - important molecules; red - important points addressed in assessments).


Semester 2, 2020

213 pages

63,408 words



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