
These notes cover weeks 1-12 of the Administrative law course, and are a sheet you can refer back to during the exam, covering the questions you need to ask yourself when answering an administrative law problem question. The topics covered are: - Requirements for judicial review - Judicial review jurisdiction - Government exercise of contractual power - Scope of review of delegated legislation - Standing - Jurisdictional Error - Procedural Fairness - Failing to take into account a relevant consideration/taking into account an irrelevant consideration - Use of power for a proper or unauthorised purpose - No fettering norm: inflexible application of a rule or policy - Acting under dictation - Unauthorised delegation of power - Errors of fact and law - No evidence rule - Legal reasonableness - Remedies - Privative clauses - No-invalidity clauses - Clauses restricting access to information - Jurisdiction of the AAT


Semester 1, 2021

7 pages

2,055 words



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