
Complete, neat and detailed grammar notes for French 4 across all 12 weeks. Easy to read, concise with lots of examples of how to use grammar effectively. I focussed a lot of attention on the difficult grammar points (which are assessed frequently) such as the subjunctive, passive voice and transformation of verbal tenses. The whole document is written in French to maximise your exposure to the language! I received 86 for this subject (including 91 in MST1 and 88 on the final exam) and consulting these notes helped me a lot in maximising my marks in the tests/exam. Topics covered include; - LE COMPLEMENT D’OBJET DIRECT (COD) - LE COMPLEMENT D’OBJET INDIRECT (COI) - LE PRONOMS COMPLÉMENT (Y/EN) - LES PRONOMS RELATIFS SIMPLES (QUI/QUE/OÙ/DONT) - L’HYPOTHÈSE - LA CERTITUDE VS. LE DOUTE - LA POSSIBILITÉ VS. L’IMPOSSIBILITÉ - LE FUTUR ANTÉRIEUR - L’EXPRESSION DE TEMPS - LE SUBJONCTIF PRÉSENT ET PASSÉ - LE PLUS-QUE-PARFAIT DE L’INDICATIF - LE CONDITIONNEL PASSÉ - TRANSFORMATIONS DES TEMPS VERBAUX - LES TEMPS DU PASSÉ - LES PRONOMS RELATIFS COMPOSÉS (LEQUEL/LAQUELLE/LESQUELS/LESQUELLES) - EXPRIMER DES RELATIONS DES TEMPS - LA VOIX PASSIVE - EXPRIMER DES CONDITIONS OU DES RESTRICTIONS - LES EXPRESSIONS D’OPPOSITIONS ET DE CONCESSION


Semester 2, 2020

16 pages

3,678 words



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