
These MLL405 notes encompass all you need for Equity and Trusts, with enough detail to allow you to understand the whole unit without any unnecessary text to waste your time. Includes case summaries and relevant legislation (broken down into simple English) in a very organised layout. Topics: 1. Origin and nature of equity and its relationship with the common law 2. Undue Influence (UI) and Unconscientiously Dealing (UD) 3. Fiduciary relationships 4. Fiduciary remedies 5. Equitable remedies: specific performance and injunctions 6. Trusts: Nature and Creation 7. Trustee duties 8. Beneficiary and trustee rights and powers 9. Statutory Formalities 10. Charitable trusts


Trimester 1, 2019

84 pages

45,489 words


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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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February 2012