
Topic 1 – Overview: The Theoretical and Conceptual Bases of Property Law Topic 2 – Personal Property, Land and Fixtures Topic 3 – Relativity of Title, Possession and Adverse Possession Topic 4 – Tenure, Estates, Future Interests and First Peoples’ Interests in Land Topic 5 – Legal & Equitable Interests in Land Topic 6 – The Torrens Regime: Indefeasibility of Title Topic 7 – The Torrens Regime: Unregistered Interests, Caveats and Priority Topic 8 – Common Property: Co-ownership and Strata Schemes Topic 9 – Profits `a prendre, Easements and Freehold Covenants Topic 10 – Leases Topic 11 – Mortgages


Trimester 1, 2020

167 pages

64,761 words



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