
I used these notes to receive an overall mark of 87 (High Distinction) in Business Taxation. These notes are for answering the problem question in the final exam. There are only 11 pages - I spent hours making them highly condensed for the purposes of answering the problem question under a 1-hour time limit. It's in a scaffold format so it's very simple to use. Contents: - Income 1 - Ordinary income 1 - Statutory income 2 - Fringe benefits tax 2 - Capital gains tax 2 - General deductions 3 - Specific deductions 3 - Taxation of companies 5 - Taxation of shareholders 7 - Partnerships 8 - Trusts 9


Term 1, 2021

11 pages

4,711 words



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UNSW, Kensington

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January 2017