
Covers all the topics required for the mid-semester and final exam for IPCL. These scaffolds have been updated and are fully comprehensive. I used these in my final exam to achieve a High Distinction. Key thing with IPCL is spotting the issues (there are often multiple minor issues) and being able to distinguish between legal and equitable interests (and understanding the distinction is key). My scaffolds have a couple diagrams and a summary table at the end which distinguishes between the legal tests required for transfer of legal or equitable interests/future property with/without consideration. This ensures all issues can be dealt with comprehensively. Table of Contents SCAFFOLDS 1 REAL PROPERTY 3 1A – DOCTRINE OF FIXTURES 3 1B – RIGHTS IN LAND DUE TO NATIVE TITLE 4 1C – FORMALITIES FOR CREATING/TRANSFERRING INTERESTS IN LAND 5 CHOSES IN POSSESSION 7 2A – TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP BY LOSING AND FINDING 7 2B – TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP BY GIFT 8 2C – TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP BY GIFT: DONATIO MORTIS CAUSA 8 2D – TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP BY SALE: SALE OF GOODS ACT 10 2E – TRANSFER OF POSSESSION BY BAILMENT 11 CHOSES IN ACTION 12 3A – IDENTIFICATION OF A LEGAL CHOSE IN ACTION 12 3B – EQUITABLE CHOSES IN ACTION: TRUST 13 3B – EQUITABLE CHOSES IN ACTION: LIVINGSTON RIGHT 15 ASSIGNMENT OF PROPERTY 16 4A – LEGAL ASSIGNMENTS OF LEGAL PROPERTY 16 4B – ASSIGNMENTS OF LEGAL PROPERTY IN EQUITY 17 4C – DEALINGS WITH EQUITABLE INTERESTS 19 4D – ASSIGNMENT OF FUTURE PROPERTY 21 PRIORITY CONTESTS 22 5A: SPECIFIC PRIORITY RULES: SALE OF GOODS ACT 22 5B: GENERAL PRIORITY RULES: LAND 24 PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITIES ACT 2009 (CTH) 26 6: SECURITY INTERESTS 26 MISCELLANEOUS SCAFFOLDS 28 7A: SUMMARY TABLE 28 7B: TRANSFER OF LEGAL INTEREST BY GIFT 29


Semester 1, 2019

30 pages

13,265 words



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