
These notes contain all the relevant theoretical concepts of the HNN112 unit, covering from weeks 1 to 10. The notes have been summarised to be referenced easily and quickly. This document consists of simplified and easily understandable information. The information has been categorised weekly, which helps to isolate the content required for online tests. The document has been uniquely modified with summarised colour coded material, equations, diagrams and tables to emphasise the information that is generally assessed at the examination. These notes helped me to quickly refresh all the essential content before the examination. The topics covered from week 1 to week 10, include: Week 1 - Foundational concepts in Nursing. Week 2 - Risk Management. Week 3 - Optimising patient outcomes. Week 4 - Assessing patient function and risk: Vital signs and the deteriorating patient. Week 5 - Assessing patient function and risk: Infection control. Week 6 - Assessing patient function and risk: Hygiene care, Nutrition and hydration. Week 7 - Elimination Week 8 - Activity and exercise. Week 9 - Sleep and rest. Week 10 - Spirituality and sexuality.


Trimester 1, 2019

16 pages

3,648 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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September 2019