PHTY5137 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IB Revision Note
Subject notes for USYD PHTY5137
- Topics from all weeks and lectures relevant to end-semester written examination are covered: Week 1: Introduction to Assessments and Outcome measures - history taking, Digital Health Week 2: Measurement of Muscle Strength/Weakness Week 3: Measurement of Joint Range Week 4: Muscle passive force at different muscle lengths, Muscle structural adaptations to chronic continuous stretch, Adaptations to an intermittent passive stretch program Week 5: Introduction to biomechanical concepts and problem solving Week 8: Evidence-based Practice (EBP) - I: Introduction, II,III: Locating the evidence and appraising trials of therapy Week 9: EBP IV: Evaluating and interpreting systematic reviews, Osteoarthritis I Week 10: Osteoarthritis II, Case study of Knee OA Week 11: Inflammatory arthritides Week 12: Physiotherapy and Professionalism, Rights Responsibilities and Privacy Informed Consent and Documentation Week 13: Communication with patients: Being a health professional - practical application - Lecture and tutorial contents are summarized in the notes in addition with self-researches - Case study and evidence study are also included with relevant descriptions, interpretations and implications - There are personal insights at the end of each of the topic to emphasize the important components of that lecture where you can focus more on - The notes are combined with words, colours and figures which are in great detail and comprehensive to help you achieve an HD
Semester 1, 2020
67 pages
12,303 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
July 2019
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