
22 pages of comprehensive theory notes that contain the key information from lectures, tutorials, and additional assigned readings. 7 extra pages of key Command Line Interface commands and explanations on how to use them. This is critical for the assignments, weekly quizzes, and exams. These notes helped me do well on the exams and assignments, as well as conceptually understand the topics very well. I continue to refer to these notes on extra projects outside of uni work. Topics Covered In Theory Notes: - Starting at bits - Shell and processes - Processes and Filesystems - Memory Management, Scheduling, Boot Sequence - Emulators and Virtual Machines - Networks - Protocols and Routing - DNS and Application Layer - Computer and Network Security - Cloud Computing - Windows and Android Topics Covered In Command Line Notes: - Editing - Access Rights - Processes - Encrypting/ Compressing - Network - Structure - Server Stuff - Applications within Python


Semester 2, 2020

29 pages

7,714 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2020