
I used these notes to study for the Semester 1 RMS final exam. I achieved a mark of 83% on this exam, and an overall mark of 85% for this unit (HD). These notes include some readings and lecture material for the following: Week 1: The Research Process Week 2: Introduction to Qualitative Research Week 3: The Dynamics of Interviewing Week 4: Thematic Analysis Week 5: Reporting and Interpreting Qualitative Research Week 6: Data Collection, Reliability and Validity Week 7: The Social and Ethical Context of Research Week 8: Survey Development Week 10: Data Cleaning and Screening & Bootstrapping Concepts Week 11 & 12: Multiple Regression & Moderation in Multiple Regression Week 13: Reporting and Interpreting Quantitative Research


Semester 1, 2020

44 pages

9,932 words



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