
Includes weekly notes on: - Topic 1A: Regulatory Framework -Topic 1B: Registration and its Effects - Topic 2A: Types of Corporations - Topic 2B: Constitution and Replaceable Rules - Topic 3A: The Company's Relations with Outsiders - Topic 3B: Promoters and Pre-Registration Contracts - Topic 3C: Funding - Topic 4A: Share Capital - Topic 4B: Membership - Topic 5A: Dividends - Topic 5B: Debentures - Topic 5C: Directors - Topic 6A: Overview and Summary of Directors' Duties - Topic 6B: Corporate Governance - Topic 7A: Directors' Duties of Good Faith and Property Purpose - Topic 7B: Directors' Conflicts of Interest Duties - Topic 8A: Directors' Duties of Care, Skill and Diligence - Topic 8B: Directors of Insolvent Companies - Topic 8C: Remedies and Penalties for Directors' Breach of Duty - Topic 8D: Exonerations and Relief of Director's Breach of Duty - Topic 9A: Shareholders' Meetings - Topic 9B: Members' Remedies - Topic 10A: Financial Reporting and Disclosure - Topic 10B: Auditors - Topic 11: Corporate Insolvency


Semester 1, 2020

186 pages

79,919 words



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