
Hello! Thank you for your interest in my notes. These notes are what helped me achieve over 90 in the final exam for this subject. Across all of my subjects, I perform in the top 1% of my cohort and have a WAM of 89. Here is what these you'll find in these notes: Week 1: What is Psychology? (reading, lecture) Week 2: Scientific Thinking and Motivation (readings, lecture) Week 2: Research Design - Introduction to Research Design (reading, lecture) Week 3: Motivation, Appetite, & Learning (reading, lecture) Week 3: Research Design - Roots of Research Design (lecture) Week 4: Learning (reading, lecture) Week 5: Learning continued (lecture, tutorial) Week 5: Research Design - Statistics (lecture) Week 6: Personality (lecture) Week 7: Personality Continued (reading) Week 8: Social Motivation (reading, lectures, tutorial) Week 9: Mental Disorders (reading, lecture, tutorial) Week 9: Research Design - Experiments (readings, lecture) Week 10: Mental Disorders Continued (reading, lecture, tutorial) Week 10: Research Design - Observation (reading, lecture) Week 11: Biology (readings, lecture, tutorial) Week 12: Neurons (reading, tutorial) Week 12: Research Design - Summary (lecture)


Semester 1, 2019

91 pages

27,951 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2019