
These notes consist of summaries (including neatly organised tables) of all examinable lecture content. All relevant drugs and concepts are covered. These notes will help with quick revision when studying for assessments. I mainly used these notes when studying for the final exam. Topics include: Drug discovery, How drugs interact with receptors, Autonomic Nervous System, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacogenomics, Drugs in Sport, Eicosanoids, Immunopharmacology, Drugs that affect the gastrointestinal system, Asthma, Drugs to treat obesity, Drugs to treat diabetes, Drugs in the cardiovascular system, Introduction to the central nervous system, Drugs to treat neurodegeneration, Drugs to treat pain, Antidepressants, Drugs of dependence, Indigenous medicine, Venoms & Toxins, Mechanisms of toxicity, Harnessing toxicity


Semester 2, 2020

62 pages

23,750 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

December 2020