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These notes are very detailed and comprehensive and provides plain English explanations for all legal concepts pertaining to contract law. Notes are easy to read with various keys used to make it easy to scan through. For example, green represents a legislative reference whereas yellow represents a case discussion. Topics covered in these notes include: 1. Offer 2. Acceptance 3. Consideration 4. Reliance 5. Intention 6. Certainty 7. Privity of contract 8. Identifying express terms of the contract incorporating terms by notice or implication 9. Construction and exclusion clauses 10. Extrinsic evidence 11. Frustration 12. Agreement and failure of contingent condition 13. Breach 14. Repudiation 15. Delay 16. Consequences 17. Mistake 18. Misrepresentation and misleading and deceptive conduct 19. Duress, undue influence and unconscionable conduct 20. Illegality


Semester 1, 2010

43 pages

14,142 words



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WSU, Parramatta

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December 2011