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The abnormal psychology unit reviews a plethora of psychological disorders in considerable detail. These notes helped me to differentiate all of these disorders through understanding the nuances of their manifestations and underlying mechanisms. These comprehensive notes are 34,488 words long and enabled me to achieve a final grade of 89% for this unit. These notes encapsulate the following areas: • Conceptualising and researching distress and mental health • Causal factors in mental health • Stress and mental health • Description and diagnosis of anxiety disorders • Description and diagnosis of mood disorders • Psychological treatments: the major evidence based approaches • Description and diagnosis of dissociative disorders • Breaks from reality: schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders • Problems with reward management: eating disorders and substance-related disorders • Pervasive disorders related to the personality • Disorders of childhood and adolescence I hope you find these notes helpful. Best of luck with your studies!


Semester 2, 2019

107 pages

34,488 words



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