
Say GOODBYE to Exam Stress because You came across a Rare Find. My Ultimate Guide to PSY2SOC! These notes cover everything you need to know from From A to Z! This is LITERALLY The best notes you will find for PSY2SOC. It took me over at least 130 hours to do notes for this subject (watching hours of lectures, attending tutorials, reading, writing, typing, and compiling all of these). If I could go back in time, I would get this in a heartbeat and save myself all the trouble. Topics Covered: - Introduction to Social Psychology - Social Psychology Research methods - The Self - Perceiving Persons - Stereotypes, prejudice, and Discriminations - Stereotypes - Attitudes - Conformity - Group Processes - Attraction and Close Relationships - Helping Others - Aggression Don't need to waste time taking notes when you can use these to excel in the exams.


Semester 2, 2019

15 pages

14,999 words



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USC, Sunshine Coast

Member since

October 2020