
STA10003 Length: 2 pages (1 double sided) Exceptional organisation (including colour coding) Condensed with detail Table of Contents First page; • Scripts for writing reports; o One sample t-test o Binomial test o Independent samples t-test o Chi Square o Paired samples t-test o Correlation o Regression o Odds ratio o Risk ratio • A table for identifying which test of statistical analysis has been performed Second page; • Formula and key notes including assumptions and a key describing symbols o Independent samples t-test o Odds Ratio o Risk ratio o Paired samples t-test o Correlation o Binomial test o Central limit theorem o Chi-square Goodness of fit o Chi square of Independence o Regression o One sample z-test o One sample t-test


Semester 1, 2019

2 pages

2,364 words



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Swinburne, Hawthorn

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September 2020