Equity and Trusts Revision Notes
Subject notes for LaTrobe LAW3ETR
These notes contain a detailed summary of all content covered in the course. This includes material from lectures, tutorials and compulsory readings. Topics covered include; 1. Introduction to Trusts 2. The Three Certainties 3. Creating an Express Trust 4. Resulting Trusts 5. Charitable Trusts 6. Trustee Duties 7. Trustee Liability & Tracing 8. Fiduciary Obligations 9. Accessory Liability for Breach of Fiduciary Duty 10. Confidential Information 11. Overview of Equity I used these notes to complete the final exam.
Semester 1, 2020
43 pages
12,234 words
LaTrobe, Melbourne (Bundoora)
Member since
February 2016
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