ABPL20031 Revision Notes
Subject notes for UniMelb ABPL20031
Summary of all information covered in lectures from week 1-11. The notes cover the following topics: - Lecture 1: Introduction “Principles of Property” - Lecture 2: Locational Basis of Real Estate Value & Economic Characteristics of Property - Lecture 3: Developer Examples, Developer’s Inception of Ideas & Site Analysis - Lecture 4: Market Research, Market Analysis & Market Analysis v Marketability Analysis - Lecture 5: Urban Planning (and Property) - Lecture 6: Planning and Regulations - Lecture 7: Strategic Planning and Policy - Lecture 8: Planning Schemes and Permits - Lecture 9: Residential Zones, VCAT & Better Apartments - Lecture 10: Introduction to Investment Evaluation Techniques - Lecture 11: Property Finance The notes are formatted in dot points for easy reading and captures the key things to remember. They were put together by me and were my study material in preparation for the semester exam.
Semester 2, 2017
26 pages
5,178 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
February 2015