
Comprehensive exam notes for Misleading Conduct and Economic Torts. Set out logically and clearly. These notes cover all topics except for the elements of Defamation (as this was not examinable, only assessed in the assignment). Defences to defamation is examinable and thus is included herein. I achieved a Distinction with these notes. 1. Defamation 2. Misinformation Torts 3. S18 - Statutory Prohibition on Misleading Conduct & False or Misleading 4. S18 - Regulation of False Claims in Advertising 5. Remedies for Breach of s18 6. Specific Prohibitions in Pt 3-1 (Also regulates false claims in advertising!) 7. Remedies for Breach of Pt 3-1 8. Liability of Manufactures for Defective Goods 9. Causes of Action Available (Remedies) Under Pt 3-5 11. Other Economic Torts


Trimester 2, 2019

48 pages

17,777 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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July 2017