
This note set covers the full subject of COMP10001: Foundations of Computing for the 2020 Semester 1 Curriculum. The content of these notes were derived from lecture notes, tutorials, and Grok. These notes include: - All information collected from lectures, tutorials and Grok worksheets - All concepts include clear examples in correct Python syntax and font - A bookmarked table of contents page where you can easily navigate throughout the document if opened with a PDF reader software The topics covered are: - Grok Worksheet 1: Introduction - Grok Worksheet 2: Expressions - Grok Worksheet 3: Conditions - Grok Worksheet 4: Sequences - Grok Worksheet 5: Basic Functions - Grok Worksheet 6: String Formatting - Grok Worksheet 8: Iterations - Grok Worksheet 9: Mutability and Advanced Sequences - Grok Worksheet 10: Readability - Grok Worksheet 11: Dictionaries & Sets - Grok Worksheet 12: Advanced Functions - Grok Worksheet 13: Libraries, Nested Loops & 2D Data - Grok Worksheet 14 Part 1: File IO - Grok Worksheet 14 Part 2: CSV Files - Grok Worksheet 15 Part 1: List Comprehensions & Iterators - Grok Worksheet 15 Part 2: Itertools - Grok Worksheet 17: Recursion - Debugging - HTML - Algorithms - Text and numbers representation - Ethics The topics are covered in the same order as they are covered in lectures. Content is succinct and compact, all information included is relevant and important for the exam.


Semester 1, 2020

46 pages

6,982 words



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