
These are well-condensed but detailed notes on each topic to help prepare for final exams and complement your study for The Financial System at University of Technology Sydney. The following notes contain diagrams and information to help clearly understand The Financial System 25556 and includes notes from all lectures, tutorials and THE TEXTBOOK. I have also attached a completed formula sheet to practice for the exam (lectures 7 to 11). Many formulas do not use formula abbreviations so it is easier to follow through. Specifically, the following topics are covered: Lecture 1 – Introduction to Australia’s Financial System Lecture 2 – Introduction to Direct Financing Lecture 3 – Introduction to Fund Management Lecture 4 – Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions Lecture 5 – Shares and The Share Market Lecture 6 – The Money Market Lecture 7 – The Bond Market Lecture 8 – The Foreign Exchange and FX Markets Lecture 9 – Interest Rate Risk and Forward Rate Agreements Lecture 10 – The Futures Market Lecture 11 – Interest Rate Swaps Formula Sheet for Exam Good luck and thank you for using those notes. Note: The sample notes contain 10% of the complete notes.


Autumn session, 2020

77 pages

22,747 words



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