
These exam notes are the perfect combination of lecture notes, LSS tutorials, faculty tutorials, revision seminars and examiners feedback. I took only these notes into the exam and only lost 7 marks for 88%. The notes are very clear and well presented and make great use of colour, font size, formatting and headings to make them as easy to read as possible. The topics covered are: classification of trusts, Certainty of intention, Certainty of subject matter, certainty of object, quistclose trusts, charitable purpose trusts, formalities, constitution, duty to comply with trust deed, fiduciary duties, duty to act with prudence, duty to get in trust assets, duty not to mix trust assets, duty to act personally, duty to act in the interests of all beneficiaries, duty to act impartially, duty to keep accounts, duty to consider exercise of powers/discretion, duty to invest, duty to invest prudently, duty not to make speculative investments, duty to take advice, duty to annually review, duty to invest only in authorised investments, defences and limitations on liability, the rights of trustees, the rights of beneficiaries and remedies for breach of trust. These notes are the perfect accompaniment for any student undertaking Trusts Law - do not pass them up!


Semester 1, 2020

76 pages

22,274 words


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Monash, Clayton

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February 2018