
These exam notes are the perfect combination of lecture notes, LSS tutorials, faculty tutorials, revision seminars and examiners feedback. I took only these notes into the exam and only lost 7 marks for 88%. The notes are very clear and well presented and make great use of colour, font size, formatting and headings to make them as easy to read as possible. The topics covered are: Links between topics, exam structure outline, ADJR and CL jurisdiction, Standing, Reasons - ADJR and CL, Simple ultra vires, breach of essential procedural condition, improper delegation, relevant and irrelevant considerations, improper purpose, bad faith, unreasonableness, common law and ADJR no evidence, Jurisdictional Fact, inflexible application of policy, acting under dictation, the hearing rule, the bias rule, Jurisdictional error, privative clauses, remedies, merits review and policy question notes on the bias rule. These notes are the perfect accompaniment for any student undertaking Administrative Law - do not pass them up!


Semester 1, 2020

82 pages

25,374 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

February 2018