
These extensive notes include information taken from seminars, lectures, various textbooks, authoritative cases, prescribed readings and further online research compiled into an easily read format. They contain relevant theoretical content, supported by vital, authoritative cases and examples to further your grasp of course content. I consistently achieved Ds and HDs throughout the semester with these notes. These notes can aid you to easily achieve your desired mark - with 144 thoroughly compiled pages, no topic is ignored! Topics included: - Introduction to Remedies - Damages: Introduction - Damages: General Principles 1 & 2 - Damages: Personal Injury at Common Law - Aggravated Damages - Exemplary Damages - Personal Injury (Civil Liability Act) - Collateral Benefits - Assessing Possibilities - Interest and Tax - Damages: Property Interests & Damage - Damages: Breach of Contract - Requitable Remedies: Introduction and Equitable Defences; Specific Performance; Injunctions; Rescission; Rectification - Damages: Australian Consumer Law; s 236 & s 237 - Restitution 1, 2, 3 & 4


Autumn session, 2020

143 pages

78,758 words



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