
Comprehensive notes which summarise and condense essential points from textbook and article readings, cases, legislation (including relevant codes and regulations), multiple guest speakers (including Jed Goodfellow and Meg Good) and lecture slides. These can work as both full study notes and for the exam. TOPICS COVERED: 1& 2 - Introduction, Philosophical & Scientific Approaches 3 - Historical Context 4 - Legal Status of Animals 5 - Animal Welfare Regulatory Framework (POCTAA) 6 - Companion Animals 7 - Farm Animal Welfare Codes & Standards 8 - Whistle-blowers, Trespass & Ag-gag 9 - Wild Animals 10 - Animals in Scientific Research 11 - Public Interest Litigation & Consumer Law 12 - International Issus in Animal Law I'm sincerely passionate about animal law and found it highly engaging, so I hope these notes help you navigate and master the unit!


Semester 2, 2017

95 pages

46,089 words



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