
These exam notes are the perfect combination of lecture notes, readings and revision seminars. This unit is incredibly interesting but is notorious for a lack of structure - let these notes bring the structure for you! The topics covered are: sources of law, history of law and war, Just war - resorting to the use of force, conflict status: international vs non-international, When is a situation an armed conflict, individual battlefield status, Distinction, Military necessity, Unnecessary suffering, proportionality, prohibited weapons, targeting, conduct of hostilities, command responsibility, war crimes, perfidy, ruses, enforcement and cyber. These notes make great use of highlighting, formatting, colour and headings to make them as user friendly as possible. I took only these notes into the exam and got a distinction for that exam.


Semester 2, 2019

88 pages

19,928 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

February 2018