
High Quality Notes Compiled From Week 1-11. Includes easy-to-read table of contents page Step-by-Step Application of Case law and Statues () Cases are summarised and key findings outlined. Policy Issues Summarised (Great for Assignments ) These notes are all you need to pass Land Law with flying colours. TOPICS COVERED IN THIS SET OF NOTES - INTEREST IN LAND - PRIORITY RULES (doctrine of notice, merit analysis, equity, - ELEMENTS OF THE TORRENS SYSTEM () - INDEFEASIBILITY TITLE (immediate & deferred indefeasibility, scope of ) - STATUTORY FRAUD - PARAMOUNT INTERESTS & IN PERSONAM (adverse possession, easements, ) - INCONSISTENT LEGISLATION EXCEPTIONS (legislative ) - OTHER EXCEPTIONS (volunteers, Torrens assurance ) - UNREGISTERED INTERESTS & CAVEAT SYSTEM - CO-OWNERSHIP (joint tenancy, tenancy in ) - OCCUPATION RENT - SEVERANCE OF A JOINT TENANCY AND PARTITION


Trimester 2, 2019

111 pages

44,632 words



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