
- Inclusive of all notes and required readings, which covers content from weeks 1 - 13. - Topics covered include: Living in a Post Human Rights Era, Defences of Human Rights, James Griffin, Charles Beitz, Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Human Rights, Australia's Refugee and Asylum Seeker Policies, The Origin of Sexual Rights at the UN, Polarisation and Resistance to Sexuality Rights, Marriage Equality around the Globe, What is Privacy, Privacy in Law and the Problem of Surveillance, and Privacy and Democracy. - Notes are laid out in dot points and separated per week, per topic. - Notes are colour coded, so key passages and concepts are highlighted/bolded. - Includes key passages from important scholars and theorists, which can all be used to inform arguments in essays and assessments. - Very comprehensive cover of the key political theories that inform the entire unit. - Includes key cases, judgements and real world examples. - Articles from international law and other statutes are clearly recorded.


Semester 1, 2020

79 pages

24,049 words



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Macq., North Ryde

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February 2019