
Hi friend, welcome to my notes for INFO1111 Computing 1A Professionalism (Semester 1, 2019). I created these notes as a study guide for the final exam, and scored an HD (88) for the unit. ----- Note Structure: These notes have been condensed from a wide range of sources: all examinable lectures (weeks 2 to 8), tutorial concepts, and additional resources from across the Internet. Due to the heavy content nature of the unit, they have been structured in an easy-to-read bullet point format with anticipated exam questions down the side like embedded flashcards for self-testing (as with every other Psychology student, I realised the best way to study is by testing your retention, not recognition!) ----- Topics included: - INFO1111 Breakdown - ICT Professionals & Teamwork - Communication - Information Retrieval & Collaboration - Problem-Solving - Intellectual Property & Commercialisation - Ethics - Systems Thinking & APIs - 2019 Exam Structure (as outlined by INFO1111 professors in Week 13 tutorial during a preparatory exam review) Extra content: - Overview of Computing Majors - Github | Latex | Markup Overview - Git Command Cheatsheet ----- Hope these help you during your studies. Good luck for your exams! - Ellie


Semester 1, 2019

43 pages

9,349 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

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May 2020