Comprehensive HD Equity and Trusts Notes
Subject notes for Deakin MLL405
HD Exam notes for equity and trusts. Scored an HD on the exam without using any other materials. Covers all relevant topics in-depth, with information summarised from key cases, slides, study guides and textbook. Set out in colour-coded section with answer guide format. Topics: - Undue Influence - Unconscientious dealing - Fiduciary relationships - Remedies - Trusts overview and principles --- Types of trusts --- Certainty of trusts --- Charitable trusts --- Formalities (including summary tables) --- Duties of trustee --- Rights of beneficiaries - Equitable maxims & jurisdiction, including history of judicature system (in case of exam topic)
Semester 1, 2018
39 pages
20,760 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
February 2016