
These notes are a condensed version of all the information presented in the unit - encompassing readings, case law, lecture notes, tutorial information and more. These notes are formatted so that they are accessible and quick to refer to - whether you are learning things for the first time or using it in the exam. Presented in a check-list format, they provide a structure for answers to problem questions, with a step-by-step layout so that your IRAC (Issue-Rule-Analysis-Conclusion) structure never falls apart. An added benefit from these notes is sample introductory sentences are included to clearly set up your answers and red flags to look out for are also added. Topics covered: 1. Equitable interests arising by operation of the law 2. Co-ownership 3. Rights and duties of co-owners inter se 4. Severance of a joint tenancy, inter vivos 5. Mortgages 6. Priority disputes under general law 7. Indefeasibility of title 8. Exceptions to indefeasibility 9. Unregistered interests under the Torrens system


Semester 2, 2019

57 pages

25,116 words



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Monash, Clayton

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July 2017