
This document includes notes from MULT10017 Representation (through weeks 1-12) - I received a H1 with these notes. A table of contents is listed below - (2 lectures for each week): Week 1: Semiotics & Genres of Representation + Death & Life of the Author Week 2: How to Read a Film + Citizen Kane Week 3: Orson Welles + Giovanni's Room Week 4: Giovanni's Room - Contexts, Paratexts & Intertexts + Figurative Space in Giovanni's Room Week 5: Modern Theater as Epic Theater + Mother Courage - Historisization and Alienation Week 6: Mother Courage + Performance & Comedy Week 7: Performance Comedy + Art History Week 8: Art History & Museums + Picasso Week 9: Reading Images + Dance Week 10: Dance as Re-representation + Popular Screen Dance


Semester 2, 2019

27 pages

11,067 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

June 2019

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